Marine Propulsion Engine


Steam Turbine engine
The Steam turbine is a device for obtaining mechanical work from the energy stored in steam.
Steam enters the turbine with high energy content and leaves after giving up most of it.
The high pressure steam from the boiler is expanded in nozzles to create a high velocity jet of steam, which produces the force which causes rotation of the shaft.

Gas turbine
The Gas turbine is a device for obtaining mechanical work from the energy stored in Gases in which combustion take place in the combustion chamber.
The hot gases enters the turbine with high energy content and leaves after giving up most of it.
The high pressure gases from the combustion chamber is expanded in nozzles to create a high velocity jet of gases, which produces the force which causes rotation of the shaft.

Steam engine
The Steam engine is a device for obtaining mechanical work from the energy stored in steam.
Steam enters the reciprocating engine via non-return valve with high energy content and leaves after giving up most of it.
The high pressure steam from the boiler is expanded in engine to push the piston move downward and upward (reciprocate movement), which produces the force which causes rotation of the shaft.

Diesel engine
Most of the engine are considered as an Internal Combustion Engine
It is because the fuel burn inside the fresh air which have been compressed by the upward movement of the piston inside the engine itself
Divided into spark ignition engine and compression ignition engine
Spark ignition engine, fuel (gas oil/petrol) and fresh air mix inside carburetor with certain ratio before entering and burn in each engine cylinder
Compression ignition engine, Fresh air in which entering the cylinder be compressed by the piston (temperature rise) then followed by injection/ atomization of fuel to creating the ignition or combustion in the combustion space 

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